Wednesday, October 28, 2009

did you think to use the doorbell?

well, what can i say, my expectations for this weekend were very high, assuming that things would be completely crazy and we'd probably make BLDs... i was most certainly right!

one of my faves was in town for a weekend of mayhem and makeouts with miss j from minneapolis! it would be inaccurate to say that i did not have a countdown prior to her visit, so let's just say i was really really excited. there was no doubt in my mind that our weekend activities would create prime content for this blog. my bank account is sad and we certainly had zero shame, so overall i'd say it's a solid fit.

friday was where it all started... it was a magical evening in the castro. kb and i decided to take our lovely guest to one of our most treasured and sacred dance spots, badlands. not only do they play the best dance music in all of san francisco, but i don't think i have ever received more compliments from nor had a bad night with the gentlemen there. last time, i had my ass smacked immediately upon entering, which generally would really piss me off... but how can i get mad when i'm at a bar that's heavily populated by ridiculously good-looking gay men. so i took it as a compliment and had a great night. anyways, since the bar is quite literally down the street from our house we headed there for some sea breezes, kylie minogue and shirtless dancing. one thing led to another and kb and i leave j dancing with a straight hottie and go get pizza. realizing that i had all of her stuff, we ended up going back to look for her and she was nowhere to be found. so instinctively we thought she went home with him and ate our pizza.

i took a cab home (yes, all of 4 blocks uphill, it was $4) and surprise! there is j, sitting on our stoop, with her dead cell phone and nothing else. i couldn't help but laugh because her facial expression was priceless... i've never seen such a look of pure misery and excitement all in one. and because her mindset was completely straight-forward, she decided to try and catch my attention if i was home, by throwing bracelets (mine that she borrowed, by the way) at my house and yelling my name... i would pay soo much money if that was on video!! we found two bracelets, but the rest remain to be found at a later time to give us a really good laugh. lesson learned: try the doorbell first, then throw bracelets.

the next night took us to another solid standby, vertigo. our rally was a little slow, but we made it out to dance for a few hours in our hot little (key word) outfits and over the knee boots and engage in some late night debauchery. the special thing about vertigo is that they have jello shots, four for $10, which are a great idea w
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hen you are about 3 vodka sodas in... but a horrible idea the morning after. seriously, why, party gods, why? well, the moral of the story is, i'm apparently eating meat again, in the form of a bacon-wrapped hot dog, and j is getting some sweet action on vacation. can you guess who the winner is?

i knew it would be a fun-filled weekend, but i'm going to need at least two months to completely recover from the shenanigans that took place over those two days. but can't wait until j comes back out to play for another round of weekend activities.

until then, we have halloween to look forward to, so get your fabulous selves out and have a broke and shameless weekend!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

what's his name again?

well, my LA friends certainly didn't disappoint...

i flew in friday night with no real expectations of how the weekend would shape up, but knew that things would get a little nuts. we started our night with a bit of a swanky scene - the viceroy hotel in santa monica. the decor and setting is incredible, but the price of drinks was far beyond what we could afford. i mean, a family in southeast asia could probably live on that amount for a month or more. so after a round of ridiculously over-priced (but delicious) cocktails, we headed out to a familiar place where all the magic happened - the parlor. now, we've already had several experiences at the parlor worthy of award for outlandish behavior and friday night was no different. somehow, i managed to get into a "friendly" slapfight with a really hot guy at the bar, which was kinda fun... turns out he's a complete douchebag and forgot to mention that he has a girlfriend during our flirty little games. i ended up forgetting about him about 20 minutes later after my second (or third?) dirty martini...

although i love a good dirty martini, it's a poor choice at a crowded bar. i think i had more of it down my shirt than actually in my mouth. however, i've learned a valuable lesson that no matter what drink of choice you stick to, like wine, it can catch up with you pretty quickly. while KP and i were in fine form (read: gracefully intoxicated) Lin was hammered. so we let a kind gentleman (who inspired the title of this post) escort her home, while we joined some new friends for a post party adventure, where things got a little competitive, to say the least...

the next morning, we looked really good standing out on the street of santa monica waiting for our ride. you know, clothes from last night, makeup from last night, hair from last night, just a little bit messier and maybe not as well put together. but probably the best part about the morning was ordering the entire breakfast menu at jack-in-the-box, very large diet cokes and retracing the steps of last night and making complete fools of ourselves.

all in all, it was a very successful night out. it was a blessing that Lin and i met my cousin and gf at our grandparent's timeshare in newport beach for a day of relaxing by the pool, complete with massage and poolside cocktail. ahh paradise! it was certainly hard to leave the next day, but it was time to get back to reality and face the big week ahead.

until next time...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

bye bye blog virginity

i've been wanting to start a blog for a few months now and what better time to contribute to the blogosphere when change is in the air! for starters, i just turned another year older (and maybe a little wiser) and think it's time to share my adventures. the seasons are changing, the crisp feel of fall is in the air, pumpkins are perched in front of whole foods... it's my favorite time of year.

in addition to the predictable changes, like birthdays and seasons, i've recently started a new job with a new agency. life at the agency is great and i'm happy with the new step i've taken in my career. but that's really not what this blog is about...

i'm here on the world wide web to share about my life as a twenty-something, single, style-savvy, spontaneous and somewhat free spirit. my life takes me all over the place, whether that is out and about in my fantastic hometown, san francisco, or taking off for a weekend getaway to visit my friends in los angeles. my love of shopping, fine food and living the good life has put a little dent in my bank account, but i see it more as an investment in me, rather than throwing my money away. if i don't do it now, will i look back and regret not buying those pair of seven jeans on gilt group or not taking advantage of the deal i just found through my kayak newsletters? who knows, but it my mind, it's worth it to spend it and live a little. and when it comes to enjoying life, i know that my friends are always up for a good time. they inspire me to make questionable decisions, but always decisions that deserve a good laugh the morning after (and maybe 3 advil and a latte).

so cheers everyone! it's time to head out into this crazy world and work on some new material.

i'm off to lala land to visit with some of my favorite partners in crime... who knows what we'll get into this time, but it will certainly be some shenanigans.
