Saturday, October 10, 2009

what's his name again?

well, my LA friends certainly didn't disappoint...

i flew in friday night with no real expectations of how the weekend would shape up, but knew that things would get a little nuts. we started our night with a bit of a swanky scene - the viceroy hotel in santa monica. the decor and setting is incredible, but the price of drinks was far beyond what we could afford. i mean, a family in southeast asia could probably live on that amount for a month or more. so after a round of ridiculously over-priced (but delicious) cocktails, we headed out to a familiar place where all the magic happened - the parlor. now, we've already had several experiences at the parlor worthy of award for outlandish behavior and friday night was no different. somehow, i managed to get into a "friendly" slapfight with a really hot guy at the bar, which was kinda fun... turns out he's a complete douchebag and forgot to mention that he has a girlfriend during our flirty little games. i ended up forgetting about him about 20 minutes later after my second (or third?) dirty martini...

although i love a good dirty martini, it's a poor choice at a crowded bar. i think i had more of it down my shirt than actually in my mouth. however, i've learned a valuable lesson that no matter what drink of choice you stick to, like wine, it can catch up with you pretty quickly. while KP and i were in fine form (read: gracefully intoxicated) Lin was hammered. so we let a kind gentleman (who inspired the title of this post) escort her home, while we joined some new friends for a post party adventure, where things got a little competitive, to say the least...

the next morning, we looked really good standing out on the street of santa monica waiting for our ride. you know, clothes from last night, makeup from last night, hair from last night, just a little bit messier and maybe not as well put together. but probably the best part about the morning was ordering the entire breakfast menu at jack-in-the-box, very large diet cokes and retracing the steps of last night and making complete fools of ourselves.

all in all, it was a very successful night out. it was a blessing that Lin and i met my cousin and gf at our grandparent's timeshare in newport beach for a day of relaxing by the pool, complete with massage and poolside cocktail. ahh paradise! it was certainly hard to leave the next day, but it was time to get back to reality and face the big week ahead.

until next time...

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